Saturday, December 29, 2007


Two children were playing a game. They were fighting due to some misunderstanding. The point of controversy could have affected the result of it. The fighting became fierce and they started manhandling each other causing body injuries.

Elders were sitting there. They tried to pacify the children and tried to convince that they were over-reacting to situation. To get more scores is not so important as to warrant such a tension. But the children were NOT convinced at all.

I was pondering. Don’t we also behave in worldly affairs just like these children? Don’t we give over importance to materialistic achievements and satisfaction of ego? The goal of children was to enjoy the game not the scores. Scores at the cost of friendship was not called for. Scores were bye-products and means to measure only. Our target is to enjoy the life, the precious gift gifted by God and not to have unwarranted tension for wealth and materialistic assets, power and other facilities. If we over-accumulate materialistic assets at the cost of health, mental peace or human relationship, it is of no worth as these accumulations were not our target but means to achieve target. Can we pay its cost by our health? The target was peaceful life with good health and tranquility of mind. If we spoil our present for mad race of satisfaction of selfish motives to such an extent that we go on paying costs in terms these targets itself, we are ultimately losers.

The elders could not convince children that in due course another game would start. There could be numerous succeeding games. Scores in one game was not so important to warrant fierce fighting. Same way, we have taken numerous births and maybe likely to have in future too. Suppose I am in transit to next birth after this life, and if wisdom prevails, I may conclude that I had given undue importance to earning race. Instead I should have relaxed and instead of having angry moments with others, I should have enjoyed each and every moment, the precious gifts of God to their full beauty in good activities and remaining with nature. If I were richer thousand times more during my lifetime, and if during my life, discomfort and mental agony could continuously have been multiplying, I would have been much loser in real sense. As wealth, power etc. were accumulated to get quality of life whereas we earned it by paying cost in terms of quality of life itself.

First, we accumulate wealth at the cost of health by ignoring basic necessities of body and then go to doctors and ask them to restore our health and for it we are ready to pay the acquired wealth. Why not to lead a balanced life from the beginning itself? If you ask senior citizens they will also opine that if they are allowed to rewind their cassette of life, they would definitely give less importance to materialistic gains and would try to relish the life being tuned in nature.

Do not remain in mad race of accumulation. Enjoy the beauty of present particularly in good activities and in tuning with nature.

1 comment:

yuvasri said...

Thank you Mr Lamba for your nice contributions.I read them with great interest.