Saturday, December 29, 2007


You will get happy moments coupled with lots of unanticipated problems as per your "prarbadh". In difficult times, you will be tempted to ask God "Why me". But it should not be resorted upon. Rather, you should forget your problems. Remote control of your sukha dukha is in HIS hands. While you should take remedial steps - to take stock of position of your situation and and to take constructive steps to remove your problems. But sometimes problems take its own time to settle. You should forget after taking remedial steps. Instead of worrying about your problems, (as worry does not bring in any positive result - rather it deteriorates the situation), you should try to solve the problems of others. You will get satisfaction, god's strength to face prarabadh, and your mind will preoccupied to avoid any trapping in vicious negative thoughts.

Then there is another point. We are always surrounded by vibrations of satvik rajasic tamasik thoughts. It is natural tendency that if force is not applied to keep level of anything on this earth it will tend to fall on earth due to gravitational effect. Means adho gati. The system of inner self works in a manner that our mind is always busy on any thought. And all thoughts leave behind imprint on our subconscious mind. The continuous input of stream of thoughts affect the nature and strength at mental level. If input is of positive imprint - more strength and viceversa. If we are not alert on monitoring out thought waves, these are likely to have adho gati - i.e. it will be full of negative thoughts of pessimism. If we are in difficult times, the mind gets fear and worries. If mind is not diverted on noble thoughts, it is trapped in vicious circle of negative vibrations. So it is necessary to keep ourselves busy on jobs involving noble thoughts. When we are busy to help others, we get blissful pleasures and during that time our mind is diverted and is saved from vicious circles of negative pessimistic thoughts.


How affirmations work?

There is an inbuilt pressure from our sanskars to do actions according to those sanskars. This in fact is a vicious circle. We have propensity for actions which are much affected by sanskars. How sanskars are formed. These are formed by deep-rooted habits. What is habit? The same action repeated again and again.

Now these sanskars monitor our chitta. In our antahakaran we have 4 parts. Mana(emotional wing) Budhi(intellectual wing) aham(ego of existence) and chitta. Chitta is store house of effects of all experiences. This chitta is different in different people. It is because of different sanskars / experiences / input they are having. Mana/budhi gets messages from 5 indriyas and analyze same in view of feedback provided by chitta. If chitta is strong, optimistic with positive qualities, it will provide a different feedback as compared to chitta with weaker inclination. The same dialogue or same situation in life has got different effects on different people because of chitta.

A person will be in a position to take positive decisions if chitta is strong. We have to strengthen chitta. It is only possible if we (i) block negative input and (ii) increase positive input. Now the question that arises is "How to pump in positive input?" Now it is question. Whatever we ponder and with which attitude, we do it; it affects the stored input of chitta. Every action of thought and deed – habit – behavior – sanskar leaves behind imprint of its effect in chitta. Means we have to be alert on it.

AFFIRMATIONS, provide us determinations for future behavioral patterns. Continued repetition of same with sincerity leaves a positive effect on chitta – increase positive input thereof - blocks mind to avoid trapping in vicious negative thoughts (getting thereof negative input thus). Our chitta is strengthened. When Antahakarna has to take decision as to what is to be done, chitta will provide a view full of optimism.

AFFIRMATIONS can be religious-ones linked with blessings of God or it could be otherwise inspiring / motivational.


The family of a friend of mine had gone to Vaishno Devi Temple. It is a temple in Jammu and one has to track the hill for distance of 14 +14 km. The family had to expend about 7 hours on foot journey from nearest town of Katra and 5 minutes for worshipping before deity. The persons habitual of comfortable city life were in full bliss and were overjoyed. None looked tired.

We exchanged our views on it. The conclusion was that not only they relished the destination place but also relished the entire journey itself. That was the reason they were as fresh as they were when they started outward journey.

Then we did pondering over the point. We are in habit to treat the journey as burdensome and destination item as our target. Instead we should relish the journey and target both as per circumstances and situations. This I say not in the context of real journeys only but in LIFE TOO. We set a target of our life as per blueprint of aim of our life. We put efforts to achieve same. We treat the efforts as burden and crave to get result according to our expectations. Efforts we did not enjoy and result we enjoy only when it is as per our expectation otherwise not. But if we make our habit to (i) have a plan for our target (ii) put efforts and enjoy the efforts (iii) put best efforts and leave the result in hands of God and to (iv) relish the final outcome, our life will be changed. We shall have more incidents covering much more time to give us enjoyment. You are in kitchen - cooking should also be enjoyed along-with eating the cooked items. You are going to office – just enjoy the driving also. You are engaged in any project, efforts to shape same should also be enjoyed. You want to expand business, relish the outcome of marketing strategies but more important is to enjoy the efforts of steps taken including interactions with people etc.

Journeys and not only destinations should be relished.

Sense of belongingness

My friend came to me and we went on long drive in my car. The road was rough and full of pits. Every time, when there was jerk in car, I felt like saying and sometimes said also that driver should drive the vehicle carefully. My friend was enjoying the journey more than me because my attention was diverted towards car. And I was having a sort of discomfort.

Then discussions took turn and my friend offered to purchase car for an amount. I agreed. He gave me meagre amount as token money. We shook hands and said that the car now belonged to my friend (of course with his liability to pay cost later on). After some time, position was reversed. I was enjoying more than him and he was pulling up the driver.

We remained in same journey, in same car, in same circumstances but our angle of thinking was changed. Why? It was sense of belongingness, which caused all this.

The proprietor and manager of small store are almost managing the show of their business in same manner. But proprietor is more concerned and remains more under tension as compared to manager. Manager has to manage the day and report the outcome to proprietor. He is not so much affected by profits and strength of unit as proprietor is. Both are in same store, in same time, in same circumstances. The problem is sense of belongingness.

My ponderings led me to believe that God has given us human life and he has given us much infrastructural support in form of family members, social circles, livelihood, wealth, assets to enjoy etc. etc. If we treat ourselves owner of these instead of trustee to take care of same, we get deeper sense of belongingness and we always remain under mental tension to maintain same. If we treat all as gifts of God with responsibility to take care of same with sincerity, we enjoy life fully without tension. We are advised by divine father to take care and report the outcome to HIM, seek HIS guidance and support to remove obstacles and to relish the life full extent. Everything belongs to God almighty. You have to simply enjoy. If anything gets spoiled because circumstances were beyond your control, report the matter to DIVINE MANAGEMENT – be relaxed. Now that management has liability to respond to your request – to support you. Your responsibility is over. Your responsibility is to be sincere in life, abide by God’s commands, enjoy gifts given by him, depend on HIM. Don’t become owner of your life or you will miss support of your DIVINE PARTNER. Become an employee and relish the life avoiding all sense of belongingness.

Why do you over-worry for health?

I was an officer in a Bank and had had transfers to different stations. I was posted at Jamshedpur where I stayed in a rented apartment. The apartment consisted of rooms and a verandah. I complained to landlord that ceiling of verandah was in dilapidated condition. The landlord took an iron rod and broke away the portions of ceiling, which could have fallen down.
I was living in a house and was likely to continue in it. A portion of it was broken away by landlord but I did not get any mental tension because I felt that (i) after all landlord was owner and I possessed house for use only and as such he had had full rights (ii) I was not having any sense of belongingness to that house and it was clear in my mind that apartment was temporarily with me and I had to leave same in due course (iii) I could anyhow manage with that situation as at that time there was no better choice. As a tenant or occupier of apartment what was my duty? It was to take care of property reasonably and to report any major development to landlord. Suppose I was in my own house, the situation could have been altogether different.
Now the point to ponder here is that God has given us this life. Along-with other many gifts, our body is a valuable gift. But HE is real owner and one day we have to leave this body. When we treat ourselves as owner, we get mental tension and we strive hard to worry about health. WORRY does not solve the problem. As in above parable, we as a tenant/occupier of body have responsibility to take care of body to best of our abilities and then we have to report the matter to DIVINE LANDLORD who will see what is required in the matter. Believe it, you can put efforts only but results are not in your hands. If you have health problems, take necessary steps to rectify situation but please DONOT WORRY. Worry does not solve the problem. It is not for you to decide your fate. Everything moves according to pre-ordained destiny and according to will of that DIVINE LANDLORD. To worry about your health is HIS responsibility. You simply take necessary steps and seek HIS guidance. Ultimately, we have to leave this house, as we are not owners. Then why to worry as owner of house???


Two children were playing a game. They were fighting due to some misunderstanding. The point of controversy could have affected the result of it. The fighting became fierce and they started manhandling each other causing body injuries.

Elders were sitting there. They tried to pacify the children and tried to convince that they were over-reacting to situation. To get more scores is not so important as to warrant such a tension. But the children were NOT convinced at all.

I was pondering. Don’t we also behave in worldly affairs just like these children? Don’t we give over importance to materialistic achievements and satisfaction of ego? The goal of children was to enjoy the game not the scores. Scores at the cost of friendship was not called for. Scores were bye-products and means to measure only. Our target is to enjoy the life, the precious gift gifted by God and not to have unwarranted tension for wealth and materialistic assets, power and other facilities. If we over-accumulate materialistic assets at the cost of health, mental peace or human relationship, it is of no worth as these accumulations were not our target but means to achieve target. Can we pay its cost by our health? The target was peaceful life with good health and tranquility of mind. If we spoil our present for mad race of satisfaction of selfish motives to such an extent that we go on paying costs in terms these targets itself, we are ultimately losers.

The elders could not convince children that in due course another game would start. There could be numerous succeeding games. Scores in one game was not so important to warrant fierce fighting. Same way, we have taken numerous births and maybe likely to have in future too. Suppose I am in transit to next birth after this life, and if wisdom prevails, I may conclude that I had given undue importance to earning race. Instead I should have relaxed and instead of having angry moments with others, I should have enjoyed each and every moment, the precious gifts of God to their full beauty in good activities and remaining with nature. If I were richer thousand times more during my lifetime, and if during my life, discomfort and mental agony could continuously have been multiplying, I would have been much loser in real sense. As wealth, power etc. were accumulated to get quality of life whereas we earned it by paying cost in terms of quality of life itself.

First, we accumulate wealth at the cost of health by ignoring basic necessities of body and then go to doctors and ask them to restore our health and for it we are ready to pay the acquired wealth. Why not to lead a balanced life from the beginning itself? If you ask senior citizens they will also opine that if they are allowed to rewind their cassette of life, they would definitely give less importance to materialistic gains and would try to relish the life being tuned in nature.

Do not remain in mad race of accumulation. Enjoy the beauty of present particularly in good activities and in tuning with nature.

When you are offended?

One of my cyber-friend was much disturbed as someone had offended her. I sent her an email, the gist of which is as under:

The persons who offended you are not mean persons. But they are ignorant. Christianity teaches us wonderful way to overcome these types of situations.
You know when Lord Jesus was going to be crucified, he prayed to God to forgive those people who were crucifying him. And he gave the reason that those people were ignorant persons and cannot understand the situation and they deserve forgiveness. History tells us that those were prominent members of society having above average wisdom and literate enough (according to those days). Even then Lord Jesus treated them ignorant persons. Why?
Because there is difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is communicated to some person and his own PERCEPTION converts it to wisdom. The person concerned reacts according to wisdom acquired. The perception in each person is a God’s gift, it is different in every person and it is as per God’s will. People react to same kind of situation differently because of their different perception. If they could perceive same way they understand each other’s point of view, otherwise not. And if the person, with whom you are reacting, is unable to perceive your angle of view, he is not going to co-operate with you.
Lord Jesus surmised that people crucifying him were ignorant because they could not perceive correct angle of issue so they were forced to react in that pattern by their perception and thus deserve forgiveness.
If some person offends you, and you view the issue in above light, you will not blame that person but will treat his perception accountable for it; you will find him a suitable candidate for granting forgiveness. When we understand it, it is easier for us to forgive that person from our heart. We should pray God to grant him correct wisdom and should relieve our own heart from agony and discomfort.
Again this worldly life is temporary. One day we shall move to empire of God. Why to give over-importance to episodes of this dream-like-life and spoil our health?

The above email worked a lot. Now I share the same with you also.

How to control anger

If we determine to solve a problem, we have to find out its roots. I feel that we get angry with people who are related to us in any way and our expectations from them fail. The more intimate the relationship, the angrier we feel. As such we feel more frustrated from such instances happening in our own families than associates in career or unrelated persons. It is our perception of situation and logics presented by chitta (sub-conscious mind), that makes us react and get irritated, if attitude thrusts us towards that. We feel that our sorrows are due to actions of those particular persons. In fact, we have to understand that the remote control of our sorrows is not, in fact, in the hands of other people.

In fact, we get two types of anger. Number one, internal that is, what our heart felt; number two, our reaction and expression to related person. Health-wise speaking, number two is not so dangerous. Number one internal feeling can have negative effect to any extent in our lives, on our mental tranquility, on our health. It is simply because we conclude that OUR SUCH AND SUCH SORROWS ARE CAUSED BY THAT PERSON. If we understand following facts and ask chitta to accept them honestly, anger will vanish.

We get pleasures and sorrows as per our prarabdh (destiny) as arranged by orders of the God Almighty. These are outcomes of our previous karmas (actions). And these karmas ripen at different intervals of time. We get results of karmas at appropriate times. The persons delivering you pleasures and sorrows are just postmen of that God. You will get what you deserve, not necessarily through those persons whom you had been helping or maltreating. Presently whoever is instrumental in delivering you pleasure or sorrow, will act towards you as per your immediate destiny. NOBODY, IN FACT, CAN BENEFIT US OR CAN DAMAGE US.

Next point is, why are you irritated with your family members or your subordinates? Because they did not obey you (or at least obeyed the same very unwillingly). You concluded, that the pertinent point should be fixed in a particular manner. They donot agree. Now I ask you to honestly judge yourself, as to how much you obey YOURSELF. You know what should be done, you resolve to take specific actions for self-improvement, health, performance of duties etc., but you simply ignore your own resolutions due to laziness, casual approach and on flimsy grounds. What right, do you possess, to get angry with people, who disagree with you?

Next point is, anger strengthens our wrong attitudes and spoils our health, our mental tranquility. We get hypertension, depression, heart diseases and other problems. Can we afford all that? No.

Now what is the solution? Should we forget imposition of discipline in our family members and subordinates and should we surrender before every Tom Dock& Harry?
No. Big No.
I told, there are basically, two faces of anger. Internal and external. This heartfelt internal anger is dangerous and damaging. In your practical life, take stock of position, think out an honest way to monitor the situation, express your views to relevant persons and try to handle the situation tactfully as the situation and your role warrants. Then, whatever is going to happen, let it happen. Silently, watch the drama of God unfold, and at the heart of hearts, do not blame that person accountable for your sorrows. You can and should act in best of your capacity, but results are not in your hands. Yes, your, honest approach, will make your future prarbdh much better and your equipoised mind will save your health.

Expression of external anger can be used, though avoided to handle the situation, but internal anger must be pacified by pondering over the above logics.